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Phenomenon Based Science Teaching Workshop was held recently
We recently held a workshop for teachers of Elementary School with the topic on "Phenomenon Based Science Teaching" on Saturday, November 3, 2012. The workshop presenter was Mr. Ridwan, M.Pd. (a lecturer of Physics and Science Education, FMIPA UPI - Bandung).

Participants came from several schools in West Java Province: SDN Cilengkrang 1 Bandung, SDN 1 Cingcin, Sekolah Bina Persada Bandung, Primary Darul Hikam International School, SD Pribadi Bilingual School, SD Juara Cimahi, SD Arrafi Bandung, SD Talenta Kopo Bandung, SD Al-Azhar Syifa Budi Parahyangan dan SD Al-Azhar 9 Kemang Pratama Bekasi); Province of JAKARTA: SD Al-Azhar 13 Rawamangun Jakarta Timur; and Province of BANGKA BELITUNG: SD Kristen Kalam Kudus Pangkalpinang.

Mr. Ridwan, M.Pd. discussed some sience phenomenon in daily life and its relation to science teaching in  class such as teaching technique of simple apparatus of a lever by using equipments found around us. In addition, he also introduced an animation teaching model using flash media which makes science learning more interesting.

Participants had a chance to perform several lab-based activity related to the the topic. Those experiments are: simple lever, photosynthesis, play with eyes, lungs model creation, eggs and pumpkin, floating discs, electrical on lemon, hang a hammer on a ruler and many others.
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